
What is Classified as Burglary in Utah?

When you do a Google image search for “burglar,” you get pictures of a stereotypical robber who is about to steal from a bank or jeweler. However, you may be surprised to find out burglary and theft are not the same thing. In fact, they are two separate crimes, and both make the list of the ten most common crimes in Utah. While they tend to go hand-in-hand, you can get charged with burglary without stealing a cent.

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Three Common Types of Fraud in Utah

While Utah is a relatively safe place, one thing you should watch out for is fraud. It is one of the most common crimes in Utah. By definition, it is when someone uses deceit to take something from another person, such as money or property.

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Four Ways Utah’s Legal System Differs From Depictions on TV

If you’ve watched any TV in the last 30 years, chances are you’ve seen dramatizations of the legal system played out.

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‘Twas The Night of Santa’s Arrest

‘Twas the night before Christmas in the city of Salt Lake. All was still, all was silent, not a soul was awake. The lights shone bright, throughout Temple Square. Soon, Old St. Nick would see all this flair.

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Different Types Of Homicide In Utah

Utah has a reputation of being one of the safest states in the nation, and the data backs it up. According to the CDC, the Beehive State has the eighth lowest rate of homicides at 2.7 per 100,000 people in 2021. That number equates to 91 total cases in one year. While that is relatively low, it doesn’t mean the state is completely risk free.

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What Is Intimidation in Utah?

When you hear the word intimidation, it might bring to mind a bully threatening to steal your lunch money if you don’t comply with their wishes. On a more frightening note, it could be someone in a gang threatening to inflict serious bodily harm. While this scenario can be scary for the victim, it can also be criminal in the state of Utah. In fact, it’s the seventh most common crime in the Beehive state.

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Why Intent Matters in Utah Criminal Cases

If you are accused of committing a crime in Utah, you may have thought the only question in determining your guilt or innocence is whether or not you did it. However, it may surprise you to know that it’s a little more complicated than that. Your intent — the reason you allegedly did it — can be the difference that puts you behind bars.

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What You Need To Know About Sexual Assault In Utah

Trigger Warning Here is what you need to know about sexual assault in Utah. Before you read this, please be aware that it is a sensitive topic. If discussions about sexual assault are triggering for you, it might be a good idea to skip this post..

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What You Can and Cannot Do With Marijuana in Utah

Right now, 23 states have approved recreational marijuana, and four of them border Utah. In fact, the only surrounding states that don’t allow it are Wyoming and Idaho.

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