5 Things to Know about Juvenile Probation and House Arrest in Utah

A judge may help a minor with rehabilitation outside of a detention facility by ordering probation. In the juvenile courts, probation lets minors who have been ruled delinquent serve time for their actions in their own home. Here are five questions parents might have about juvenile probation and house arrest in Utah.

How do minors qualify for juvenile probation?

Probation is an option for minors depending on the severity of their offense, criminal history, and aggravating or mitigating circumstances. Additionally, a probation officer has the ability to recommend that a judge offer probation if the resources a minor needs are not available outside of probation. In short, minors can qualify for probation if the judge believes that they will be successful working on their rehabilitation from home.

How long is juvenile probation?

There is no set time for juvenile probation. It can only be terminated by court order once a judge rules it is no longer necessary. At the initial hearing, if the crime is mild enough, a judge may just send a minor home (instead of to a detention facility) on house arrest for the first two weeks. Their probation officer will then contact them and help them understand all the rules of probation.

What are the rules for juvenile probation and house arrest?

Once on house arrest, minors must follow certain rules as indicated by the probation order and rules of house arrest. Additionally, the probation officer may request that the judge assign other specific rules to protect the minor. However, these are some of the general rules:

  • Only leave the house when accompanied by a parent (parents are discouraged from taking their children on house arrest out of the house)
  • Only leave for school, work, vocational programs, counseling, and probation appointments
  • Friends are not allowed over
  • Restricted phone use
  • Parents are required to report any violations
  • Must submit to random drug and alcohol testing

How can a minor reduce their time on juvenile probation?

Once a minor has been sentenced to probation, the probation officer will do a thorough assessment. They will interview people in the minor’s life including family and school officials. The purpose of this is to try and find out the possible protective factors and risk factors present in the minor’s life.

Protective factors: protect the minor from future offending

Risk factors: put the minor at risk for future offending

After the probation officer has identified the top three risk factors related to the minor’s offense, they will develop a plan and set of goals that must be completed before probation will end. The sooner a minor corrects the risk factors in their life, the sooner they may qualify for release from probation.

How do I find a defense lawyer to help with my child’s juvenile probation case in Utah?

Whether your child has been sent to a detention facility or ordered to serve house arrest, the defense lawyers at Brown, Bradshaw & Moffat can help you navigate the juvenile probation process. We have decades of experience and are ready to fight for your child and his or her rights in court.


Give us a call at (801) 532-5297 so we can help with your child’s case today.

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