
What You Should Know About Forgery Laws in Utah

Writing is such a big part of everyday life, that we rarely give it a second thought. When you post your thoughts on the Internet or sign for a package, you are creating a record that can be used for your benefit or detriment. One of the most common crimes in Utah actually has to do with writing, and that is forgery. Under state law, forgery is when someone pretends to be another person using the written word. The forger either alters the text or creates new text as someone else. They may also say they are acting on behalf of the other person when they are not.

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Why You Need an Attorney for Public Education Punishments in Utah

As summer comes to a close, students throughout Utah are packing their bags every morning and heading to school. While classes, homework, and extracurricular activities are ramping up, so are the number of students getting in trouble with the law.

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Three Utah Attorneys From Brown, Bradshaw & Moffat Named “Super Lawyers”

In any profession, it’s great to be recognized by your peers. They understand what you do better than anyone else. If they compliment you, you know it means something. That is why the Academy Awards is such a big deal in Hollywood. The voters are other filmmakers who understand the struggles their colleagues go through.

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4 Things You Should Know Before Visiting Utah

If you’re planning a trip to Utah this summer, you’ll be one of many tourists eager to explore the outdoors. In 2021, 17.8 million travelers spent time in Utah. This number includes both in-state and out-of-state visitors and is more than five times greater than the population of Utah (3.3 million).

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3 Legal Realities Every Utah College Student Should Understand

Whether you have lived in Utah your whole life or you are attending from out of state, you will be subject to the same laws as everyone else in addition to school policies. Here are three legal issues every student should know about when they go to school in Utah.

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3 Times Asset Forfeiture Went Too Far

When you purchase anything—whether it’s as big as a house or as small as a laptop—you expect it to be yours forever. After all, the U.S. Constitution ensures that your property is protected. Only guilty people should have their assets taken away.

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10 Most Common Crimes in Utah

You might be surprised by the most common crimes in Utah. The good news is the Beehive State is a fairly safe place to live, especially when it comes to homicides. In 2020, it ranked in the bottom ten for murders. 

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